Monday, December 13, 2010

So Ends Another Semester....

I just took my last final. Seriously, the bonus question took me about 20 minutes, and the other 9 questions took me about 25. No joke.

The bonus was something like this. If you get it without help, I might just call you a math nerd... or dedicated.
"I was on the second floor of a building the other day. My wife says, "lets take the lift. It won't take long, it's on the third floor and coming down." So we waited, but it went right past us to the first floor. Then back up, to the fourth floor; back down to the first again; and up to the fifth floor. "Lets just take the stairs, it'll be way faster," I said. "No," she said, "It's going to continue up to the 9th floor, then come down to us." In fact, it did. How did she know it would?"

have fun with that...

Also, I just picked up War And Peace. It has HOW MANY PAGES?!?!?! (1455) well, it'll give me something to do on a certain car ride that I may or may not be taking...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I just finished watching A Walk To Remember on Youtube. Really good movie. I'd totally recommend it. If you like, I can post the links.

Also, a little-known fact about youtube videos: I'm not exactly sure about Windows operating systems, but on Ubuntu, there is a /tmp folder. Things like youtube videos get stored there temporarily, but you can navigate to that place and then copy the video, so that you have a permanent copy. Kind of a grey area on legality and morality though.

Monday, November 29, 2010


I am a doofus.

I have been running around, crying about how I don't feel loved by God, nor do I feel like I love Him. As if, when someone else loves you, you suddenly get warm fuzzy feelings inside; and when you love someone, you always have those same warm fuzzy feelings toward them. Reality check here! this isn't the case.

We know He loves us, in that while we were yet sinners, He sent His son Jesus to die on a cross for us, and to bear our sin so that we could be imputed His righteousness. So that we could have a full part in heaven with Him, instead of being shut out in the cold, alone with ourselves in hell.

And I've been running around, lamenting my lack of faith. But, it seems, "if you have faith to move mountains, but have not love, you are nothing."

Now how does that mean, "have love"? in what manner is it using "Have?" is it like, I am loved by God so I have God's love? or is it, I love God, therefore I have love?

I have no idea. Thoughts?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

lol... progress quest. a zero-player game, does everything by itself.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

equations etc.

Well, in Engineering 207 we were learning about polynomial regression, and how to find the coefficients. that's where you have a bunch of points that basically form a parabola or something.

So Chris Jones (excellent math teacher, I strongly recommend him if you're going to HCC and need math) taught us the really long complicated way. Then he said, "and of course you can use MATLAB to do this for you, it'll be a lot shorter...."

This was at about 3pm.

Back up to 10am: we were taught how to get that line in Excel with 1/10 of the trouble from MATLAB and about 1/1000 of the trouble involved in doing it by hand!!!

I mentioned that to Chris... he laughed and said, oh yeah... now i can make you guys really hate me by showing you this... =) (btw that's just how he talks, idk why.)

I also learned that I can store multi-variable functions on my TI89 calculator. THAT FREAKIN ROCKS!!! :) sorry about that, it was really exciting though.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

test in 20 minutes. I hope it goes well! also, I'm still happy, despite the fact that campus computers hate me and my computer hates me and I just got a cut in hours at the math center where i work (even though i'm busy the whole time i'm in there...).

Monday, October 18, 2010

For no apparent reason, I'm feeling happy.

But, of course, I know the reason. And I won't tell you, either.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


So today, I woke up singing "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..."

Also, yesterday we were talking about the Yoruba in comparative religion. But first, just as Doc hung up the mask of Olorun Olodumare, we had a fire drill. His first reaction: "The Great Olorun Olodumare is angry!"

Monday, September 27, 2010

I remember hearing this song a few months ago, and I just remembered it the other day. And I thought I'd post it. It's a really great song for anyone who grew up watching Winnie the Pooh (or Pooh, for short).

Monday, September 20, 2010


I got to hang out at the Olenick's yesterday. that was eminently enjoyable. deep fried stuff and settlers of catan...

Then today... in intro to engineering design we were talking about multiviews again (still). And we were basically given two views from which you could figure out the third view (there's three views: top, front, & right profile). Then the teacher added a single line to one of the two. And, according to Mark, there were now 27 different possibilities for the third view. (I totally believe him too.) it was quite amusing. And thankfully the homework was pretty easy, unlike last class...

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Awakenings Music Festival... WOW!!! lots of fun :)

I was in the third row for Third Day, headliner for Friday.
and in the second row for Thousand Foot Krutch, headliner last night.
And it was really really REALLY LOUD!!!!
and we all sang really really loud, cuz we couldn't hear ourselves anyway.
so i can't talk.
and i can hear, but if its quiet i'll get a really loud ringing in my ears.

And I got to spend two or three hours playing volleyball. and got massively sunburnt (which isn't a word?) all over my head and neck. oops...

But that was so worthwhile, even the crush when the lead singer for Hawk Nelson jumped onto the fence which was holding back the crowd.

Monday, September 13, 2010

oh lol

Today in "intro to engineering design" aka learning how to use autocad aka the torture chamber of the school, emily canapp was being very funny. she went to harford tech, and learned how to use autocad there, and really does not want to learn anything new now. or something like that. she's pretty sure she's already got it down. but her interaction with the teacher is quite amusing. and she's in my group, so i will get to continue to be amused by her throughout the whole semester!

also, apparently there are about 400 colin daniels on facebook.

Also, i have a feeling i'm going to be helping teach that class, cuz i helped out about three or four people understand what we were doing today. oh well...

"A man is afraid of learning if he will not ask a question."

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Friday *something* good must have happened, cuz i remember being excited about it. but now i totally forget what it was =/

Saturday was fun. I went and talked with Jonathan Bennett and played Disc Golf. That was nice. Then I got to hang out with all those crazy young adult committee members. And that meeting was weird... in a good way. Then I went and hung out with the 24/7 cuz i'd kinda cancelled Nexus... oh well. That was mostly enjoyable too, even when Mark gave me a wet hug.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Using MatLab should be fun.

And using AutoCad might be fun. probably will.

And I sure hope that Comparative Religion is better than it has been so far. Cuz its kinda boring right now.

And Calc three... is called calc 3 for a reason. we do a lot of stuff in 3D! lol
but it will be interesting trying to do it.

And I'm working tomorrow :)

And I just had a bunch of Mountain Dew 2.5 hours ago, and the caffeine is starting to kick in now. XD

OOOHHH yeah, I forgot to mention... MatLab costs like $3000!!! so i'm learning how to use a program that I will never be able to afford! lol

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I think that helping people out is enjoyable.

During my first day tutoring at HCC:
helped a girl on Calc2. Twice.
helped 2 other girls on Chem111 for like 4 hours straight (blah chemistry). actually, on scientific notation and significant figures. I don't know why the book assumes that everyone will know scientific notation, but it does.

And... I'm getting at least one cd out of the library in about two hours. so that's cool too.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Ok, so the Robin Mark concert yesterday was awesome. Truly awesome. As was hanging out with all my friends at the concert.

And, it gave me a new understanding of the phrase, "it is well with my soul." Really, i've sung that so many times, but not really thought about what it meant. But yesterday night it hit me:

No matter what happens to my body, in the flesh.
No matter how bad my day, or week, or life is going.
I can say it is well with my soul.
God is with me! how can anything really be going wrong? he gives troubles just as much as he gives good times. If bad times come, he knows. he allowed it. he has a plan. and he will stand with me, even when i'm not paying any attention to him.

Which is just plain awesome =)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Mime workshops were fun. Lots of other good things happened too. but no, I can't think of any right now. but i'm sure that they were totally awesome. :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


the mime thing was fun.

then the Nominating committee was funny! MC is just hilarious. pastor craig was reading in 1Tim about the qualifications for a deacon or bishop, ie leader, in the church. when he got to the part about "they must be ... serious, ...and dignified..." MC is like, 'well that counts me out.' lol :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

mime workshop 1, day 1

was fun. except i was really tired. but it was still fun :)
favorite: David walking into a wall. We were supposed to make a sound something like a kid would make: ohhh.... only he always twisted his body in a rather feminine way when he said it. so to make up for that, when he next did it, he said in a very deep voice "Ouch!" it was funny :)

Saturday, July 31, 2010


"Man Caught, On Security Camera, Trying To Steal Security Camera"

Friday, July 30, 2010

Last night I finally got my computer to download several things. Among them was the 475MB SP2 download. I'm hoping that helps my computer live life a little better. If it doesn't, I shall blame the goddess responsible :)

Then this morning, sleeping in until 7:30 was nice.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Good has happened. I promise. My life has not been a meaningless pile of nothingness. I just haven't had the time, or the inclination when I had the time, or the internet when I had both the time and the inclination, to do so.

Saturday we had a great time at Nexus. Still only me and Christina, but it was good.
Sunday we had a very boring time hanging out at the church. Oh well. It really rained that day!
Monday was boring, from what I remember.
Tuesday was better. I worked with Larry Bohlman and Jude Oppong (from Ghana, married the lady from ghana... christina something... ). Then had the Tuesday Night Mime Small Group thingy. that was fun. we didn't do much, but the talk was great.
Wednesday, I failed miserably at everything I tried to do on the computer. Except play music really loud and play Risk. Then, I went to the small group which the Firewall has established. That was funny. I didn't know half the stuff cuz a lot of it was TV shows, but still, I enjoyed myself. Still maybe not my first choice of Wednesday evening activity, but we'll see. (Mother insisted I try that one first.)

Monday, July 26, 2010


I am, for no particularly apparent reason, feeling happy.

It might have something to do with the fact that I am not worried anymore about whether or not I will pay my tuition bill in time. or the fact that i have almost convinced my mother to allow me to use the internet at home and update my computer.

or neither of those, i don't know. either way, :)

OH! also, random acts of goodness are quite fun. some person at the college was quite confused about where she was supposed to go, so I was able to help her out :D that was nice. :warm fuzzy feeling:

Sunday, July 25, 2010


This week has been boring. and stressful. but more boring. But...

I am fully recovered from CYMA week (I think).

After reinstalling Vista 4 times, my computer now works again (albeit with 4-year-old drivers...).

I am halfway through Crime & Punishment. And I accidentally read the end of the story =/ (I was looking for the notes, and I didn't find them on that page)

I read Burn by Ted Dekker & Erin Healy. that was an interesting book.

I am currently in a fairly positive state of mind. (and am a stalker/lurker)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

double-plus awesome

Today at CYMA was nice. not much of note, for me at least. except that I am tired!

And I had to take Jon and Rachel to a swim meet this evening :( but good stuff happened. Like, I had both The Power of Your Name (Lincoln Brewster) and Those Nights (Skillet) stuck in my head, pretty much equally. And a totally epic rainbow!

I will try to describe the rainbow (and shall fail miserably to do it justice).
It was big. I actually watched it grow across the sky. At times I swear, it was visibly growing.
It was bright, at least at it's peak awesomeness.
It was nearly doubled! Below the RedOrangeYellowGreenBluePurple bands, there were much smaller, thinner, less distinct bands of RedOrangeYellowGreen. Wow!
On top of that, some distance above it, was another rainbow. It was inverted, so it went purplebluegreenyelloworangered, and it was much less distinct. My theory is that we were experiencing double refraction, which is pretty awesome!

then it started to rain a little, and then it slowly faded away. But it was totally a doubleplus epic win rainbow!

And I get to lead the LiT small group tomorrow after CYMA! Yikes! But I'm sure we'll still have a lot of fun.

Monday, July 12, 2010

CYMA day 1

Having Olivia in the balcony for the first day was really nice, cuz she already knows the sound board and MediaShout is really easy to show people how to advance the slide. so it was awesome. (Thanks, Katie!)

There was a surprising lack of interesting, exciting, dramatic, yikes-like things happening today. which was nice, but a little weird anyway. The chaos was too well controlled! lol

But I got no work done on the outreach... I really need to start thinking hard about that. but tomorrow is another day, right?

And then small group afterwards was hilarious. "Nehemiah the bdoopa-dooper" lol

Sunday, July 11, 2010


CYMA is tomorrow!!! and the LiT retreat/really long training meeting was today, and that was a lot of fun :D

And then I got to hang out with the Olenicks and Blackburns and Tellups and Lanman and Stummer. that was fun. I got thrown/dragged into the pool by David (that was interesting). And we were detonating Hydrocrackers. We were setting some off in a water bottle. I was in charge of putting the cap on once the hydrocracker was in the bottle. The first one failed, so the second one was held out of the bottle longer so that it would light proper. A little too long, it turned out. I was about 3/4 done screwing on the cap, Mark was telling me to hurry up, and I was actually in the process of dropping the bottle when the cracker went off. It didn't hurt my hand at all, but it sent a shock wave straight at my face... that was interesting :)

Then I couldn't get in touch with my Mother. I was a little worried, but I got to hang out with the Olenicks until 9:30 instead of 8 when they semi-kicked out everyone else.

And Mark was organizing his music binder, and I saw that he had the song "Shine, Jesus, Shine" in there. About 10-15 years ago, my parents had a couple of praise & worship cassette tapes they would play in the car, especially on long trips. That was one of the songs, so naturally I commented on the fact that Mark had it. I knew the melody for the chorus, but not the verses. So we asked Blake, who was on the computer, to look it up. (at this point, my Mother had come.) He found it on YouTube in about 10 seconds, so we listened to it (me, Mother, Mark, Blake, and Carol). In the suggestions bar or whatever next to the movie, there were a whole bunch of other songs which I also recognized from that tape... Some really nice memories come back listening to that song. It was awesome!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


it is 6:30 on saturday. It is thunderstorming, and we desperately need this rain. I'm listening to Skillet. I'm supposed to take Rachel and Jon to their swim meet (the pool is less than a mile from the house) but I really don't feel like it.

And CYMA starts today! Okay not really... but we're gonna plan stuff for CYMA today, and then there's the LiT retreat tomorrow, and then CYMA starts on monday! woot CYMA!
(can you tell I'm excited?)

Thursday, July 8, 2010


My family fights about the silliest things sometimes. I was just listening to an argument between Rachel and Josiah (and sort of Clarice too). Not only do we argue about the silliest things, but the arguments we use can really not make any sense.

The futility and insignificance of it all just struck me as very funny. I laugh in all your faces! HA HA HA! lol

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Long time

Basically, I was lazy last week and didn't bother to post even though I could have. *shame*

Oh well. Last week was VBS, which was quite enjoyable.
Sunday was the 4th of July, of course. We didn't really do anything. But we did go see the fireworks in Bel Air, which was interesting. And boring.
Monday was Clarice's birthday. She is now 16! Again, we didn't really do anything.
Yesterday was nice. It was hot, but oh well. I went over to the Olenick's. David and Daniel and me and Blake and Mark played Boggle :) I think that after 4 rounds, Blake had 3 points, Daniel had 4, Mark had 5, and me and David were tied at 24. lol

And today I am going to go have a job interview at 1:30. I am hoping to get a job as a math tutor at HCC.

And next week is CYMA. I really can't wait!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


we had the second LiT meeting today. that was fun. and i might get to go driving later, that'd be nice.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Monday was awesome.

Tuesday was slightly less awesome, but still fairly good.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I know... its been a while.

I am subscribed to this email newsletter called This Is True. It finds funny stories or headlines in newspapers, and then emails them to us along with some sort of funny comment. Sometimes those comments are a bit inappropriate, or slightly offensive to persons of faith like me, but overall its worth it.

Especially today. This is what came in:

"THE FORECASTERS AGREE: "Our Summer Will Be Cooler ... Unless It's Not" --
Minneapolis Star Tribune headline"

Monday, June 14, 2010


Yay, huzzah, etc.!

I have finished Les Miserables! And it only took me 5 weeks! not counting the three or four books I read while I was reading it...

Now all I must do is decide what to read next? I'm thinking, perhaps Crime and Punishment....

Friday, June 11, 2010


I finished reading Ted Dekker's novel Adam today. good book. now I really must get back to Les Miserables. I only have 150 pages left!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Today I read Obsessed. Technically, I started reading yesterday, but most of it was done today. I must say, the ending seemed a little cliche to me. Something about "true love (not necessarily romantic, though) conquers all" seems a bit anticlimactic and a little vacuous. Oh well. Otherwise, really excellent book.

Also: I hung out with Mark. We didn't help his mom build a fence. Then we went over to one of their renters and installed a cabinet. This made us late to church to program the lights and slides for the mime concert on friday. I managed to figure out how to properly use MediaShout, have everything ready, make MediaShout lock up and thus have to restart the computer, find out that I didn't save the file, and recreate the file, all in an hour and a half. I recreated the file in 8 minutes =)

Then there was the VBS meeting, in which it was officially decided that I am going to do the sound/projection jobs. yay.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I finished reading Ted Dekker's Saint. It was a good book. Is a good book.

However, I am left with a conundrum: I am about 3/4 of the way through Les Miserables, at a very good stopping place. Going back to that from Ted Dekker is a very big leap; lets just say that Les Mis had me falling asleep. Now what? lol

Friday, June 4, 2010

This week

Well, good things happened this week. But, I didn't post. Mainly because I didn't have a computer to post from ;) So...

Monday: Not too bad. Weeded my gutter... of baby maple trees. Then went driving for an hour. Now I can sort of park!

Tuesday: Again, fairly pleasant. Got to drive for about half an hour. Now I can go around cars, and I can drive at 30 mph! Then went to the Tuesday night EMF meeting. Then went to the "Committee on Nominations and Lay Leadership Development" meeting. This was funny for several reasons. The humor mainly came from the age split: there is clearly a group of 'old people' and a group of 'young people.' We also decided that LiT is better than most other leadership teaching things out there. We looked at a leadership teaching thing which looked really slick, but which cost way too much for what you got ($450!!).
Then, I talked to MaryCarol for a little while. Turns out, I've officially done it! I've broken into the LiT leadership! Yay! But this creates an odd prideful feeling in me. "I'm so honored." "Well, why? Shouldn't I expect to be put into leadership positions? Everyone tells me I'm great..." "Isn't that getting a little prideful? Isn't that bad?" "Umm..." grrr.

Wednesday: Not the bestest day ever, but still relatively pleasant.

Thursday: Not much happened today. I kick derriere at this game I'm playing. Took my siblings (Debbie, Rachel, and Jon) to swim practice today. Got to talk to some people I haven't seen in a while. I might be able to get a job there, cuz one of the coaches is leaving in a month or so. Except for CYMA, and maybe VBS too... And we have a new head coach (for the second year in a row). She's been in 8 other coaching positions... hm... I suspect because she's not the greatest coach! Her sets look ridiculously easy, I don't care if these aren't USS-quality swimmers!

Friday: Worked on the tent today. Mainly, I filled in the ditch I dug some of the other days I was working (lol). Then, there's mime in an hour and a half. I'm looking forward to that.

VeggieTales quote of the day: "Great! Cuz I've always wanted to be a chicken!"

Monday, May 31, 2010


Yesterday was fun.

Church was fun. I got lots of funny looks from lots of people :P

After church I went over to the Olenick's house. I shouldn't have gone, cuz Blake thought he was having other guests, but oh well. Then, they didn't show up, so he (re)invited the Powells and the Blackburns.
We got in the pool around 5. Daniel did a full double front flip; David was jumping in with Kristina in his arms or on his back or shoulders; and I did several backslaps trying to replicate one of the tamer things Daniel was doing.
And their diving board was (again) cracked by Daniel (who else?). As far as I know, you can still go off it, you just can't jump as much on it, and you have to be careful.

Then I went back to church. We pretty much just sang hymns in the service; Clarice can sing while reading. After the service, we walked down to the Firewall where they were having a Memorial Day cookout.

Then when we (finally) got home at 9:30, I was reading Les Miserables. The part I was reading was actually interesting, so I was kinda disappointed that I was still falling asleep during it. Not from boredom, but just from tiredness! So I went to sleep.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I like contradiction songs. They're so sublime.

Jars of Clay is particularly good at this sort of song. Particularly, Faith Enough; in which they say things like "I'm home enough to know I'm lost ... I can see enough to know I'm blind." They have another good one like this, on their Good Monsters album I think...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Day

Today was a happy day. So was yesterday.

David came to Nexus yesterday evening (thank you!). We talked about a lot of different stuff, starting with magic and going through many other things, including peace, church politics, and the world economic status.
Then we played Keesdrow. Very fun game. It's sort of like, Boggle meets Scrabble meets strategy game =D

Then, today.
Church was actually not that great, for some reason =/

After church I got to go over to the Olenick's. There, we did fun stuff.
We ate (duh).
The Blackburns came over.
At that point, we officially "christened" their pool :D
Then played Big Boss Little Boss. (Daniel made a track in the upper level of their barn, and drove a scooter around it very fast.)

Then, we went back to church. The evening service was better, a little.

Then, several funny things were said by my mother. Including, "I keep forgetting you were gone the whole day." lol

Then, we went home and my internet wouldn't work for almost an hour. :|

Friday, May 21, 2010

Well, today I wasn't feeling so great, idk why.

But, going to mime and seeing all those crazy people really perked me up. Again, I have no idea why. =)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


just finished watching the hunt for red october.

good movie, interesting storyline. can see myself enjoying it multiple times.

will have to find another movie to request from the library... any suggestions?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

today was tiring.

but... I got to time for 4 hours at Clarice's swim meet, and I wasn't too badly nostalgic about it.
And, I finished part one of Les Miserables.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Twice in one Day?

It doesn't rain, it pours I guess

So the rest of my day went pretty good too, good enough to post anyways!

--Mime was great. We worked on Fighter (love that piece), then All Things New. And there was a really nice thunderstorm outside for some of it.

--Karaoke was fun. If I hadn't been having such a good day, I might not have sang, but I thought, Why not? let's go for it. So I did. I sang Who Wouldn't Want To Be Me? by Keith Urban. A really fun song :)

hmm... not as much there as I thought there would be. Oh well, good things happen!


Ok, first of all, sorry I haven't posted in ... 8 days.

But, today was kinda nice. I have been sitting down doing nothing in particular for the last 5 hours. Which is always a nice thing to do.

And there's mime tonight. And then that karaoke thing afterwards.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today was nice: I had 2 short classes.

In chemistry, the professor let us out about 25 minutes early. We still had lab, but that was only a quiz. All told, I was done with the whole thing (lecture and lab) before we usually got out of class.

Then in Intro to Sociology, our lecture was about 20 minutes long. We had to turn in our social biography papers, which is bad cuz I procrastinated mine till... last night and today, so it is pretty bad. But I got it done, and we were out before 4:20 :D
AND, he told me for sure that I don't have to take the final if I don't want to (and who would, given the option?). So I just get an automatic A on the final. :D

And I'm drinking a Mountain Dew right now

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I saw someone wearing a Rebelution T-shirt today at college. I have no idea who she is or whatever, but that was still cool

Friday, April 30, 2010


Molybdenum Oxygen Lanthanum!

Possibly, my favorite chemical compound that I've made up. Why? Cuz it spells moola, and who doesn't love moola?

Incidentally, today I started to work for Larry Bohlman, washing windows with him. although its a very part-time job, it pays well :) $13.25 an hour, toady. I'm definitely not going to complain!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

if you can't think of anything that made a day bad, does that make it good?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Free ice cream is officially awesome!

And so is fried macaroni and cheese :D

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Yesterday left me feeling... effervescent. Which was very weird.

6:00 to 10:00: Stuck at home doing chores and such.
10:00 to 4:00: Working on the tent :) Lunch was yummy, and we got to finish the inside of it. (not counting cleaning up!)
4:00 to 6:00: Went to the Olenick's. Played cards a little, emailed people, chatted with people.
6:30 to 8:30: Mime :) We just worked on one piece the whole night, for us it was "O Come O Come Emmanual." We got a lot done. Still a good ways to go, but no matter.
9:30: The moon was really bright last night. I like really bright moons!
10:30: I was really tired. Went to bed 'early' =)

Today: ServeFest!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I like fog. Kind of like I like snow. It seems peaceful. Too much fog can be depressing, but driving through a semi-pastoral scene (aka shucks road) with a little fog causing the background to fade to gray, it looks very pretty and peaceful.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Funny quotes from today

We had 2 of them: one in chemistry and one in sociology.

Professor Santiago: "What does the big 'M' mean?"
Me: "McDonalds."

Professor Tavares: "When you're 18 to 22, where are you? You're either in college, or in jail." ("Or in the military" was added later.)

Monday, April 19, 2010


i am having one of those days when you feel happy for no identifiable reasons.

it will probably break in a while, but i'm enjoying it while it lasts :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


i got to stay at swing on friday, for like an hour and a half :) that was fun

Thursday, April 15, 2010

No Reasons

I can think of no reason why today should not be considered a good day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Go Fish!

Well, I spent about 2 and a half hours with Christine today. Most of that time, we played card games. We played Rummy (once), Speed, Spit, Go Fish, and one very intense game of ERS.

While we were playing Go Fish!, we developed a new strategy for the game. I'd take all the credit for this, cuz it was my idea, but that wouldn't be nice.
Basically, you pay close attention to what the other person is asking for. And then, you ask for every card that they are holding. And then, you have a whole bunch of cards, and they have to pick up more cards. If you get lucky, you will get several pairs out of that. If you're playing 4s instead of 2s, then it just gets ridiculous as you rally back and forth; giving up every card in your hand on the other person's turn. It is very funny, and very pointless after about two games like that.
And, I beat Christine to posting it! :P

Also, I can make butterflies on my graphing calculator!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Today was... not nearly as bad as I expected it to be. Life seems to be sliding back into the normal routine for me, without too many bumps. And my mom doesn't seem too upset with me (although, I've been assured that my punishment is still lurking somewhere).

AND, when I was looking at my other blog, all of the sudden my background flashed on. (My internet is really slow right now.) And because of the type of background it is, it was ... fun. And awesome. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


... Are awesome! got to hang with Christine and Katie for about 4 hours :)

And, my mom doesn't seem too upset with me! hopefully, it'll stay that way. Thanks for all of the prayers!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Last Night

Well, yesterday I was fairly well depressed. For reasons elaborated upon in my other blog. Which we won't go into here.

However, lots of fun and good things happened which I do want to share with the world, so...

Me and Christine and Blake and Katie all went to Broom's Bloom to get ice cream, and talk :)
Christine (and Blake, sorta) convinced me that I should play hooky and go with them, so I think I missed a quiz in my class that is worth ~12.5% of my grade. Hoping I can make it up, if I can't I'm still glad I did it.
David came over and we played Axis & Allies. He was the Axis, and he won (surprise). Actually he won, neither of us noticed it, and so we started another round, then I noticed that he had in fact won during the last turn, so I asked to lets just end the game after this round. But still lots of fun.
David seemed to notice that I was feeling down, so he gave me a call when he got home and advised me, among other things, to read Psalm 23.
I chatted with Christine for like an hour and a half. That was really nice.
Went upstairs and read Psalm 23. I realized that I haven't been reading the bible like I need to be. Also realized that I haven't been praying like I need to be. Also realized that I really really need to read Psalm 23 more often. I was crying as I read it, but it was ok.
Overall, I love all my friends! they're pretty awesome people!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

graphing calculator

Ok... so today in Calculus 2 we learned how to do parametric equations. They're actually really easy and kind of mostly just algebra and then you can do calculus things to them, but it was cool.

But what made me smile was when he gave us an equation, and said "put this in your calculator."
And then it graphed in this funky curve, and it was amusing. i might find a picture later to show you guys.

smiley faces

when they are broken in half, especially when chatting with someone, it is very amusing.

also, last night in that meeting (which i won't talk about because this is a place for optimism), i realized that my jeans are now ripped at the knee. and that made me think of conversations i've had and thoughts i've thought on the subject of ripped up jeans, and that all made me smile. :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Are You Happy Now?

Colin Daniel has now OFFICIALLY created an OI, so now you can leave him alone.
Colin Daniel is enjoying speaking (well... typing) in third person.
Colin Daniel is depressed by the rain, especially because he must wear flipflops.
Colin Daniel is happy that he did not have to go to Florida with his family. Instead, he got to stay with the Olenicks for the week!
Colin Daniel is happy that the "Tuesday night mime thingy" is happening tonight.
Colin Daniel is unhappy that the "Committee on Nominations and Lay Leadership" is meeting tonight, as it will prevent him from going to all of the TNMT.
Colin Daniel thanks God for his wonderful crazy friends!
Colin Daniel is running out of things to say.
Colin Daniel is ending this post.