Friday, April 30, 2010


Molybdenum Oxygen Lanthanum!

Possibly, my favorite chemical compound that I've made up. Why? Cuz it spells moola, and who doesn't love moola?

Incidentally, today I started to work for Larry Bohlman, washing windows with him. although its a very part-time job, it pays well :) $13.25 an hour, toady. I'm definitely not going to complain!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

if you can't think of anything that made a day bad, does that make it good?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Free ice cream is officially awesome!

And so is fried macaroni and cheese :D

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Yesterday left me feeling... effervescent. Which was very weird.

6:00 to 10:00: Stuck at home doing chores and such.
10:00 to 4:00: Working on the tent :) Lunch was yummy, and we got to finish the inside of it. (not counting cleaning up!)
4:00 to 6:00: Went to the Olenick's. Played cards a little, emailed people, chatted with people.
6:30 to 8:30: Mime :) We just worked on one piece the whole night, for us it was "O Come O Come Emmanual." We got a lot done. Still a good ways to go, but no matter.
9:30: The moon was really bright last night. I like really bright moons!
10:30: I was really tired. Went to bed 'early' =)

Today: ServeFest!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I like fog. Kind of like I like snow. It seems peaceful. Too much fog can be depressing, but driving through a semi-pastoral scene (aka shucks road) with a little fog causing the background to fade to gray, it looks very pretty and peaceful.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Funny quotes from today

We had 2 of them: one in chemistry and one in sociology.

Professor Santiago: "What does the big 'M' mean?"
Me: "McDonalds."

Professor Tavares: "When you're 18 to 22, where are you? You're either in college, or in jail." ("Or in the military" was added later.)

Monday, April 19, 2010


i am having one of those days when you feel happy for no identifiable reasons.

it will probably break in a while, but i'm enjoying it while it lasts :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


i got to stay at swing on friday, for like an hour and a half :) that was fun

Thursday, April 15, 2010

No Reasons

I can think of no reason why today should not be considered a good day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Go Fish!

Well, I spent about 2 and a half hours with Christine today. Most of that time, we played card games. We played Rummy (once), Speed, Spit, Go Fish, and one very intense game of ERS.

While we were playing Go Fish!, we developed a new strategy for the game. I'd take all the credit for this, cuz it was my idea, but that wouldn't be nice.
Basically, you pay close attention to what the other person is asking for. And then, you ask for every card that they are holding. And then, you have a whole bunch of cards, and they have to pick up more cards. If you get lucky, you will get several pairs out of that. If you're playing 4s instead of 2s, then it just gets ridiculous as you rally back and forth; giving up every card in your hand on the other person's turn. It is very funny, and very pointless after about two games like that.
And, I beat Christine to posting it! :P

Also, I can make butterflies on my graphing calculator!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Today was... not nearly as bad as I expected it to be. Life seems to be sliding back into the normal routine for me, without too many bumps. And my mom doesn't seem too upset with me (although, I've been assured that my punishment is still lurking somewhere).

AND, when I was looking at my other blog, all of the sudden my background flashed on. (My internet is really slow right now.) And because of the type of background it is, it was ... fun. And awesome. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


... Are awesome! got to hang with Christine and Katie for about 4 hours :)

And, my mom doesn't seem too upset with me! hopefully, it'll stay that way. Thanks for all of the prayers!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Last Night

Well, yesterday I was fairly well depressed. For reasons elaborated upon in my other blog. Which we won't go into here.

However, lots of fun and good things happened which I do want to share with the world, so...

Me and Christine and Blake and Katie all went to Broom's Bloom to get ice cream, and talk :)
Christine (and Blake, sorta) convinced me that I should play hooky and go with them, so I think I missed a quiz in my class that is worth ~12.5% of my grade. Hoping I can make it up, if I can't I'm still glad I did it.
David came over and we played Axis & Allies. He was the Axis, and he won (surprise). Actually he won, neither of us noticed it, and so we started another round, then I noticed that he had in fact won during the last turn, so I asked to lets just end the game after this round. But still lots of fun.
David seemed to notice that I was feeling down, so he gave me a call when he got home and advised me, among other things, to read Psalm 23.
I chatted with Christine for like an hour and a half. That was really nice.
Went upstairs and read Psalm 23. I realized that I haven't been reading the bible like I need to be. Also realized that I haven't been praying like I need to be. Also realized that I really really need to read Psalm 23 more often. I was crying as I read it, but it was ok.
Overall, I love all my friends! they're pretty awesome people!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

graphing calculator

Ok... so today in Calculus 2 we learned how to do parametric equations. They're actually really easy and kind of mostly just algebra and then you can do calculus things to them, but it was cool.

But what made me smile was when he gave us an equation, and said "put this in your calculator."
And then it graphed in this funky curve, and it was amusing. i might find a picture later to show you guys.

smiley faces

when they are broken in half, especially when chatting with someone, it is very amusing.

also, last night in that meeting (which i won't talk about because this is a place for optimism), i realized that my jeans are now ripped at the knee. and that made me think of conversations i've had and thoughts i've thought on the subject of ripped up jeans, and that all made me smile. :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Are You Happy Now?

Colin Daniel has now OFFICIALLY created an OI, so now you can leave him alone.
Colin Daniel is enjoying speaking (well... typing) in third person.
Colin Daniel is depressed by the rain, especially because he must wear flipflops.
Colin Daniel is happy that he did not have to go to Florida with his family. Instead, he got to stay with the Olenicks for the week!
Colin Daniel is happy that the "Tuesday night mime thingy" is happening tonight.
Colin Daniel is unhappy that the "Committee on Nominations and Lay Leadership" is meeting tonight, as it will prevent him from going to all of the TNMT.
Colin Daniel thanks God for his wonderful crazy friends!
Colin Daniel is running out of things to say.
Colin Daniel is ending this post.