Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Day

Today was a happy day. So was yesterday.

David came to Nexus yesterday evening (thank you!). We talked about a lot of different stuff, starting with magic and going through many other things, including peace, church politics, and the world economic status.
Then we played Keesdrow. Very fun game. It's sort of like, Boggle meets Scrabble meets strategy game =D

Then, today.
Church was actually not that great, for some reason =/

After church I got to go over to the Olenick's. There, we did fun stuff.
We ate (duh).
The Blackburns came over.
At that point, we officially "christened" their pool :D
Then played Big Boss Little Boss. (Daniel made a track in the upper level of their barn, and drove a scooter around it very fast.)

Then, we went back to church. The evening service was better, a little.

Then, several funny things were said by my mother. Including, "I keep forgetting you were gone the whole day." lol

Then, we went home and my internet wouldn't work for almost an hour. :|


Christine said...

what did y'all name it?

Colin said...

I don't know why we christened it, that's what blake said ;)

it was more like, we got in and commented how cold it was =P

Christine said...

haha... yes, he mentioned. But you should be used to cold water. What was the temperature, do you know?