Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Are You Happy Now?

Colin Daniel has now OFFICIALLY created an OI, so now you can leave him alone.
Colin Daniel is enjoying speaking (well... typing) in third person.
Colin Daniel is depressed by the rain, especially because he must wear flipflops.
Colin Daniel is happy that he did not have to go to Florida with his family. Instead, he got to stay with the Olenicks for the week!
Colin Daniel is happy that the "Tuesday night mime thingy" is happening tonight.
Colin Daniel is unhappy that the "Committee on Nominations and Lay Leadership" is meeting tonight, as it will prevent him from going to all of the TNMT.
Colin Daniel thanks God for his wonderful crazy friends!
Colin Daniel is running out of things to say.
Colin Daniel is ending this post.


Colin said...

darn... why did it give me all that small tiny print? i must fix that next time.

Andee said...

yay!!!! comments are working!!!

You FINALLY made one... lol


ok, so i saw TMNT and i thought "teenage mutant ninja turtles"
...dont ask.

btw, what kind of layout do u want???


Katie said...

I would welcome rain about now.

it was NINETY-THREE DEGREES this afternoon. NINETY-THREE!!
that's too hot.
86 > good weather > 54


David said...

yeah... it was pretty hot out there. I need to fix the AC in my honda. Luckily I have the coolest room in the house. (I work to keep it that way) Note to self--comments should not be blogs in and of themselves. Second note to self--what is the point of making a note to self in public? Does that not negate the exclusivity of the self part and technically allocate to it the status of "note to everyone and anyone in the universe"?

Welcome to the blogging world, Colin.

Erin said...

yay Colin! took you long enough...lol

Christine said...

haha @David, notes to self in public aren't really notes to self. More like notes-to-the-whole-blogging-community

Colin said...

lol... thanks for all that guys. nice note david, its really not to self so we'll just call it a note :)