Friday, April 9, 2010

Last Night

Well, yesterday I was fairly well depressed. For reasons elaborated upon in my other blog. Which we won't go into here.

However, lots of fun and good things happened which I do want to share with the world, so...

Me and Christine and Blake and Katie all went to Broom's Bloom to get ice cream, and talk :)
Christine (and Blake, sorta) convinced me that I should play hooky and go with them, so I think I missed a quiz in my class that is worth ~12.5% of my grade. Hoping I can make it up, if I can't I'm still glad I did it.
David came over and we played Axis & Allies. He was the Axis, and he won (surprise). Actually he won, neither of us noticed it, and so we started another round, then I noticed that he had in fact won during the last turn, so I asked to lets just end the game after this round. But still lots of fun.
David seemed to notice that I was feeling down, so he gave me a call when he got home and advised me, among other things, to read Psalm 23.
I chatted with Christine for like an hour and a half. That was really nice.
Went upstairs and read Psalm 23. I realized that I haven't been reading the bible like I need to be. Also realized that I haven't been praying like I need to be. Also realized that I really really need to read Psalm 23 more often. I was crying as I read it, but it was ok.
Overall, I love all my friends! they're pretty awesome people!