Monday, July 26, 2010


I am, for no particularly apparent reason, feeling happy.

It might have something to do with the fact that I am not worried anymore about whether or not I will pay my tuition bill in time. or the fact that i have almost convinced my mother to allow me to use the internet at home and update my computer.

or neither of those, i don't know. either way, :)

OH! also, random acts of goodness are quite fun. some person at the college was quite confused about where she was supposed to go, so I was able to help her out :D that was nice. :warm fuzzy feeling:


Christine said...

yay for random happiness!

Katie said...

effervescent Colin... it is a rare but happy sight :)


PS you say you have no reason to be happy.
reason = logic
no reason = illogical
and I win. because you are illogically happy. :P