Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I think that helping people out is enjoyable.

During my first day tutoring at HCC:
helped a girl on Calc2. Twice.
helped 2 other girls on Chem111 for like 4 hours straight (blah chemistry). actually, on scientific notation and significant figures. I don't know why the book assumes that everyone will know scientific notation, but it does.

And... I'm getting at least one cd out of the library in about two hours. so that's cool too.


Christine said...

Chemistry!!! EEP! Happy memories...

Katie said...

oh ick, Chemistry.

However, I started Calc 2 today... and let's just say I may need to solicit some of your wondrous tutoring-skills later on in the year. The syllabus is downright frightening.

Colin said...

that might be problematic... i barely remember anything. this was last spring, remember? :P

however, i shall try my best. as always.