Monday, June 7, 2010

Today I read Obsessed. Technically, I started reading yesterday, but most of it was done today. I must say, the ending seemed a little cliche to me. Something about "true love (not necessarily romantic, though) conquers all" seems a bit anticlimactic and a little vacuous. Oh well. Otherwise, really excellent book.

Also: I hung out with Mark. We didn't help his mom build a fence. Then we went over to one of their renters and installed a cabinet. This made us late to church to program the lights and slides for the mime concert on friday. I managed to figure out how to properly use MediaShout, have everything ready, make MediaShout lock up and thus have to restart the computer, find out that I didn't save the file, and recreate the file, all in an hour and a half. I recreated the file in 8 minutes =)

Then there was the VBS meeting, in which it was officially decided that I am going to do the sound/projection jobs. yay.


Katie said...

ahhh. you are hitting all of the Ted Dekker greats :)
Have you read the Circle Trilogy?

Also, you might try Tim Downs. My personal favorite is "Plague Maker."

Aw :(
sad face!
I shall not be here for VBS :(

Colin said...

I just picked up the two Dekker books they had at the library when I went, but I do plan to read the circle trilogy (quadrology?) soon. maybe after I finish Les Mis...