Monday, November 29, 2010


I am a doofus.

I have been running around, crying about how I don't feel loved by God, nor do I feel like I love Him. As if, when someone else loves you, you suddenly get warm fuzzy feelings inside; and when you love someone, you always have those same warm fuzzy feelings toward them. Reality check here! this isn't the case.

We know He loves us, in that while we were yet sinners, He sent His son Jesus to die on a cross for us, and to bear our sin so that we could be imputed His righteousness. So that we could have a full part in heaven with Him, instead of being shut out in the cold, alone with ourselves in hell.

And I've been running around, lamenting my lack of faith. But, it seems, "if you have faith to move mountains, but have not love, you are nothing."

Now how does that mean, "have love"? in what manner is it using "Have?" is it like, I am loved by God so I have God's love? or is it, I love God, therefore I have love?

I have no idea. Thoughts?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

lol... progress quest. a zero-player game, does everything by itself.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

equations etc.

Well, in Engineering 207 we were learning about polynomial regression, and how to find the coefficients. that's where you have a bunch of points that basically form a parabola or something.

So Chris Jones (excellent math teacher, I strongly recommend him if you're going to HCC and need math) taught us the really long complicated way. Then he said, "and of course you can use MATLAB to do this for you, it'll be a lot shorter...."

This was at about 3pm.

Back up to 10am: we were taught how to get that line in Excel with 1/10 of the trouble from MATLAB and about 1/1000 of the trouble involved in doing it by hand!!!

I mentioned that to Chris... he laughed and said, oh yeah... now i can make you guys really hate me by showing you this... =) (btw that's just how he talks, idk why.)

I also learned that I can store multi-variable functions on my TI89 calculator. THAT FREAKIN ROCKS!!! :) sorry about that, it was really exciting though.