Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Mime workshops were fun. Lots of other good things happened too. but no, I can't think of any right now. but i'm sure that they were totally awesome. :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


the mime thing was fun.

then the Nominating committee was funny! MC is just hilarious. pastor craig was reading in 1Tim about the qualifications for a deacon or bishop, ie leader, in the church. when he got to the part about "they must be ... serious, ...and dignified..." MC is like, 'well that counts me out.' lol :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

mime workshop 1, day 1

was fun. except i was really tired. but it was still fun :)
favorite: David walking into a wall. We were supposed to make a sound something like a kid would make: ohhh.... only he always twisted his body in a rather feminine way when he said it. so to make up for that, when he next did it, he said in a very deep voice "Ouch!" it was funny :)