I remember hearing this song a few months ago, and I just remembered it the other day. And I thought I'd post it. It's a really great song for anyone who grew up watching Winnie the Pooh (or Pooh, for short).
Monday, September 27, 2010
Posted by Colin at 10:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
I got to hang out at the Olenick's yesterday. that was eminently enjoyable. deep fried stuff and settlers of catan...
Then today... in intro to engineering design we were talking about multiviews again (still). And we were basically given two views from which you could figure out the third view (there's three views: top, front, & right profile). Then the teacher added a single line to one of the two. And, according to Mark, there were now 27 different possibilities for the third view. (I totally believe him too.) it was quite amusing. And thankfully the homework was pretty easy, unlike last class...
Posted by Colin at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Awakenings Music Festival... WOW!!! lots of fun :)
I was in the third row for Third Day, headliner for Friday.
and in the second row for Thousand Foot Krutch, headliner last night.
And it was really really REALLY LOUD!!!!
and we all sang really really loud, cuz we couldn't hear ourselves anyway.
so i can't talk.
and i can hear, but if its quiet i'll get a really loud ringing in my ears.
And I got to spend two or three hours playing volleyball. and got massively sunburnt (which isn't a word?) all over my head and neck. oops...
But that was so worthwhile, even the crush when the lead singer for Hawk Nelson jumped onto the fence which was holding back the crowd.
Posted by Colin at 5:43 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
oh lol
Today in "intro to engineering design" aka learning how to use autocad aka the torture chamber of the school, emily canapp was being very funny. she went to harford tech, and learned how to use autocad there, and really does not want to learn anything new now. or something like that. she's pretty sure she's already got it down. but her interaction with the teacher is quite amusing. and she's in my group, so i will get to continue to be amused by her throughout the whole semester!
also, apparently there are about 400 colin daniels on facebook.
Also, i have a feeling i'm going to be helping teach that class, cuz i helped out about three or four people understand what we were doing today. oh well...
"A man is afraid of learning if he will not ask a question."
Posted by Colin at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: school
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday *something* good must have happened, cuz i remember being excited about it. but now i totally forget what it was =/
Saturday was fun. I went and talked with Jonathan Bennett and played Disc Golf. That was nice. Then I got to hang out with all those crazy young adult committee members. And that meeting was weird... in a good way. Then I went and hung out with the 24/7 cuz i'd kinda cancelled Nexus... oh well. That was mostly enjoyable too, even when Mark gave me a wet hug.
Posted by Colin at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Using MatLab should be fun.
And using AutoCad might be fun. probably will.
And I sure hope that Comparative Religion is better than it has been so far. Cuz its kinda boring right now.
And Calc three... is called calc 3 for a reason. we do a lot of stuff in 3D! lol
but it will be interesting trying to do it.
And I'm working tomorrow :)
And I just had a bunch of Mountain Dew 2.5 hours ago, and the caffeine is starting to kick in now. XD
OOOHHH yeah, I forgot to mention... MatLab costs like $3000!!! so i'm learning how to use a program that I will never be able to afford! lol
Posted by Colin at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Labels: school
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I think that helping people out is enjoyable.
During my first day tutoring at HCC:
helped a girl on Calc2. Twice.
helped 2 other girls on Chem111 for like 4 hours straight (blah chemistry). actually, on scientific notation and significant figures. I don't know why the book assumes that everyone will know scientific notation, but it does.
And... I'm getting at least one cd out of the library in about two hours. so that's cool too.
Posted by Colin at 12:15 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Ok, so the Robin Mark concert yesterday was awesome. Truly awesome. As was hanging out with all my friends at the concert.
And, it gave me a new understanding of the phrase, "it is well with my soul." Really, i've sung that so many times, but not really thought about what it meant. But yesterday night it hit me:
No matter what happens to my body, in the flesh.
No matter how bad my day, or week, or life is going.
I can say it is well with my soul.
God is with me! how can anything really be going wrong? he gives troubles just as much as he gives good times. If bad times come, he knows. he allowed it. he has a plan. and he will stand with me, even when i'm not paying any attention to him.
Which is just plain awesome =)
Posted by Colin at 5:36 PM 2 comments